January 25, 2016

The Women’s Fund pledges $10,000 to Rochester Area Neighborhood House Capital Campaign

Womens-Fund-RANH-Capital-CampaignRochester, MI – (January 25, 2016) –Recently The Women’s Fund presented a check for $10,000 to Kathy Losinski, Executive Director and Barb Cenko, Board President of Rochester Area Neighborhood House  (RANH) to represent the three year commitment they have made toward the capital campaign for a new facility.

The Women’s Fund has been a long time supporter of RANH and their efforts. This latest pledge will be in addition to the program grants RANH will receive this year from the fund.

“The Rochester Area Neighborhood House is a precious gem within our community. For years it has assisted struggling women with personal emergencies and efforts to secure financial independence through worthwhile employment. This focus reflects the Women’s Fund mission of “helping women in need.” We are pleased to support the Rochester Area Neighborhood House’s capital campaign to provide a new and welcoming environment for clients.  This $10,000 three year commitment is designated for that purpose,” said Maria Trahan, past president of The Women’s Fund.

RANH is a non profit human service organization founded in 1968 by local faith communities to assist neighbors during times of hardship. They partner with the community and other social service providers to help neighbors in need move toward self sufficiency.

“The Women’s Fund has been instrumental in providing cash assistance (and the encouragement that comes with it) to women in our neighborhood who have nowhere else to turn for help,” said Kathy Losinski, Director of Rochester Area Neighborhood House. “ In the past, financial support from the Fund has helped mothers avoid evictions, keep the heat on for their family, provided education for valuable work skills and find well-paying jobs that will continue to keep families strong.  Now, this legacy gift will provide struggling women in our community with a safe outlet for receiving human services and counseling right here in our neighborhood for years to come. On behalf of the women who have been helped in the past and those who will receive assistance in our new home, thank you to the Women’s Fund for your sensitivity and support.”

The Women’s Fund is a permanently endowed fund owned and administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester.  Through grant-making, the Fund provides ongoing and future support for programs that aid women while preserving and managing its donations in perpetuity by spending only the fund’s income and annual earnings.

For more information, please visit their website at www.womensfundrochester.org or for questions please call (248) 812-0763 or email womensfundrochester@gmail.com. You can also follow them on Facebook at “The Women’s Fund.”
